
How to Streamline the Management of Your Commercial Business Premises

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Whether you have been managing the business for a number of years now or conversely are actually relatively new to the role, you will be fully aware of the importance of continuously finding ways to grow and improve your business and at the same time, looking for ways to grow and expand as a manager.

With this in mind, continue reading to learn how to streamline and improve the management of your commercial business premises.

  • Employee Communication

Every successful business manager knows and understands the supreme importance of good communication, both between themselves and members of their workforce and inter-departmental communications between colleagues and departments.

Effective employee communication will substantially enhance the overall productivity levels of the business, help each and every member of the workforce to perform to their highest potential, build both respect and trust between yourself and your employees and ensure they are permanently kept firmly in the proverbial loop.

There is a myriad of proven-to-be successful ways of improving your management of the levels of communication inside the workplace, including but in no way limited to the following:

  • Be more honest in terms of what you expect from your employees
  • Make an effort to be approachable with the ‘my door is always open’ philosophy
  • Actively encourage employee feedback
  • Create a social area on your business’s intranet system
  • Regularly update your employees on all matters pertaining to your business
  • Make an effort to understand the business from an employee’s point of view

· Equipment Inspections

With many fingers in different proverbial pies, it can understandably be hard at times to ensure that every area and department is functioning safely, correctly and at maximum efficiency every single working day.

When it comes to the maintenance and inspection of your vertical transport systems, for example, health and safety is of absolute optimum priority, so by far the most sensible business decision is to outsource such responsibilities and duties to a reputable and renowned ATIS elevator inspector.

· Unwritten Rules for Commercial Property Managers

There are five top unwritten but absolutely mandatory rules that every commercial property manager should adhere to, which are:

  1. Conduct regular and thorough walk rounds of the entire space
  2. Utilize exceedingly beneficial commercial property management software
  3. Routinely upgrade elements before they require maintenance
  4. Always have a productive property maintenance plan
  5. Maintain a good working relationship with your tenant

· ‘10 at 10’s

It would be impossible to even attempt at improving your management of your business premises without regularly checking in with and updating the heads of each and every department, including any companies who you have outsourced specific departments or tasks to.

One exceedingly effective way of ensuring that every department head, along with yourself, is on the same proverbial page is to implement the ’10 at 10’ system.

Essentially, the ’10 at 10’ system simply involves creating a weekly meeting with yourself and every department head at ten o’clock in the morning, for just ten minutes every Monday morning. If one or more members of staff is away, on holiday or too busy in another area of the business, someone from their department can easily step into their place.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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