
7 Signs Your Home Has a Cricket Problem

Do you hear chirping sounds at night coming from your walls?

Do you ever feel like you’re not alone in your own house and have these tiny creatures moving around? If you’ve noticed bats or rodents but can’t find them, your home might have a cricket problem.

Crickets, also called field crickets, can eat through your home’s drywall to lay eggs and make a huge mess. They can also bring harmful diseases into your home. If you suspect crickets in your home, read on to learn common signs you might have a cricket problem.

1. Noises in the Night

Noises in the night are a sure sign that your home may have a cricket problem. Crickets make a chirping sound and tend to be most active during the night and early morning hours. Crickets usually hang out in dark, damp areas like basements and near water sources.

While crickets are harmless, they can make loud, disruptive noises. Some homeowners can accept the presence of crickets, others may find their presence annoying and disruptive. Typically, the noise is louder at night because that’s when crickets mate.

When trying to rid your home of crickets, always identify the species so you can use the most effective removal method. Traps and baits often work best. Also, try sealing cracks or openings the crickets have crawled in from outside.

2. Chewed Fabrics

Chewed fabrics are among the most common signs that your home has a cricket problem. Crickets are notorious for their chewing habits. Crickets are a common pest that, if left unchecked, can become an unpleasant infestation.

They have strong, powerful jaws that can chew through most fabrics, like carpets and clothing. To determine if your home has a cricket problem, look for any signs of chewing. This can be small bites of fabric or even entire sections of cloth that have been chewed.

Crickets often leave behind frayed edges, leaving a carpet looking shredded after a few nights. If you notice any signs of fabric chewing, investigate your home and look for other signs of a cricket infestation.

3. Scratching

Scratching noises coming from the walls and ceiling are also among the common signs of cricket infestation. This is caused by the crickets’ hind legs as they rub and scrape against the walls, and you often hear it at night.

If you experience these signs, you should take action to prevent your problem from escalating. Inspect the walls and crevices in your home and secure all potential entry points.

4. Droppings

Crickets can be a nuisance at home, so it’s important to know the common signs of a cricket problem. Droppings are among the most common signs that your home has a cricket problem.

They are usually dark brown or black, cylindrical in shape, with a length of about 1/16″ (2 mm), and are likely house crickets. They may also contain cricket parts, such as wings, antennae, and legs.

These droppings can be found in corners, against walls, and anywhere else you might uncover a more extensive cricket infestation. A cricket population can also produce egg cases. These are often found in dark, damp places, such as behind the refrigerator or in cracks and crevices.

If you find any of these droppings in your home, it indicates that you have a cricket problem and need to take action.

5. Swarms of Crickets

A cricket problem in the home is never a good sign. Not only are these creepy crawlies a nuisance, but they can also cause damage to the foundation of the house.

During the summer months, they gather in and around the house, usually attracted by places with food or shelter. A cricket infestation can be easily identified by the presence of swarms of them around doors or windows.

They also thrive in humid environments, and their numbers can multiply if plenty of food sources are available. When they gather in large numbers, they are usually spawned from one source and can quickly become overwhelming.

If the home is sealed, but you still notice these unwanted visitors, you should take action as quickly as possible. Check your vents, cracks, and crevices for possible entry points. Apply insecticide as needed to keep these uninvited guests away.

6. Musky Scent

A musky scent in your home is one of the top signs you have a cricket problem. Crickets live mainly in damp places, like basements or unfinished areas, so if your house has any of these, keep an eye out! It’s easy to detect a musky odor in these areas, and if the smell is strong, you likely have a cricket problem.

Once you notice the smell, check that area for small, dark brown, and black-colored crickets. If you find them, it might be time to call an exterminator for help. In some cases, fumigating the area can get rid of an infestation.

It’s essential to act quickly if you do have a cricket problem. Left unchecked, the crickets might multiply and spread to other areas, leading to more musky and unpleasant odors.

7. Infestation of Flies or Other Bugs

Flies, moths, and other insects might seem normal in any home. But if you see more than usual and find that state of affairs lasting longer than average, you may have a cricket problem. Insect waste is also a sign your home is harboring crickets.

Crickets are attracted to warm, dark locations with a good food source. You may also find small holes around your home where crickets have chewed through door frames or other materials.

If you see any of these signs, you must take steps to remove crickets from your home. Cleaning up clutter, sealing off entry points, and baiting traps for crickets may all be beneficial in getting rid of crickets. With the correct approach, you can keep your home free of crickets.

Start Getting Rid of a Cricket Problem at Home

Crickets may be small, but they are a nuisance. Opening the doors to find them hopping about, hearing them chirping late at night, and noticing the damage they cause to items in your home are all clues that you have a cricket problem. Be vigilant, and if needed, contact a pest control professional to help keep your home cricket free.

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Written by Patricia

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