
What to Expect When You Stay in a Hospitality Suite

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Hospitality suites are often reserved for guests of the hotel who either can’t check-in yet, otherwise have a need to be close to the hotel at a given time. They are also used as a way to reward those who have stayed with the hotel in the past. Hospitality suites can be small or large depending on the size of the room and location. Here are some things you should expect from your stay in a hospitality suite.


The Suite Itself

The room in a hospitality suite is usually smaller than the standard room. They are intended for short-term stays, so there’s not much space to move around in. Typically, there is a small desk and chair that will fit in the space available. There may be a small fridge and coffee maker in the room as well.

The bathroom will likely be very small and possibly shared with other people in the suite. The toilet may be in a separate area from the shower and sink.

Many hospitality suites don’t offer much privacy, especially if you’re staying with others. If you plan on using your laptop or phone to work while staying here, make sure to bring an extension cord!

How to Get Into the Hospitality Suite

First things first, you will need to be given the key to the room. The person who gave you the key will likely ask you for your ID when opening the door, but this is not always necessary. When entering the room, there are typically two ways of doing so. One option involves using an automatic open door; this option also requires using your card to activate it. The second option is to manually activate the door by pushing a button or turning a handle.

Once inside, remove your shoes. Hospitality suites often have small living rooms and kitchens with all the amenities of a regular hotel room in addition to bedrooms in one or more sections. Some hospitality suites also come with hot tubs, exercise equipment, and minibars stocked with free drinks and snacks for guests staying in them.

When to Stay in a Hospitality Suite

It’s important to note when to book a hospitality suite and for what purpose. Hospitality suites at the hotel are typically reserved for guests who cannot check in yet or have a need to be close to the hotel at a given time. They’re also used as a way to reward those who have stayed with the hotel in the past. Hospitality suites can be small or large depending on the size of the room and location.

For the First Time

If this is your first time, you might be a little apprehensive about what to expect. To help you out, we can tell you that there are usually basic amenities such as the TV, Wi-Fi, and sometimes a microwave oven.

For business travelers, they will have access to their laptop computers at all times. The hospitality suite usually has a few amenities in the kitchen area which include a coffee maker, plates, and glasses. You will also have access to the hotel gym if you are so inclined.

Hospitality suites are a great way to have a more private night out, with a few friends, or a better opportunity to network. The suite itself is a luxury hotel room, but only available for a few hours at a time. Hospitality suites typically have a full kitchen, where you can cook and entertain guests. There is typically a king-size bed in the suite if you’re looking to get some sleep. You can also bring your own food and drinks into the hospitality suite. When it comes time to leave, you just head back to the hotel bar to get your car. It’s worth noting that there are sometimes age restrictions on the hospitality suites, so be sure to ask ahead of time if you think you might need it.


Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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