Aquapap is proud to introduce our new product, Distilled water. We are the only company that offers this innovative and eco-friendly way of staying hydrated. Our Distilled water is created through a process that takes advantage of the natural cooling power of evaporation to produce pure, clean drinking water without any chemical additives. This new and unique water product uses no electricity or filters. Our Distilled water is all-natural, healthy, and purer than any bottled water on the market today.
Vapor Distilled water is a safe choice for every member of your family! It has been proven that drinking Distilled water can aid in treating various health conditions such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes , heart disease , obesity, kidney disease , thyroid problems , chronic fatigue syndrome, PMS symptoms , neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease . Furthermore, our Distilled water helps you lose weight faster while cleansing your body from impurities. And if this wasn’t enough to convince you of the benefits of Distilled water, maybe knowing that it can also improve your complexion, rejuvenate tissues, increase energy levels, enhance memory and boost the metabolism so you can lose weight faster will convince you of its amazing health benefits.
Vapor Distilled water is environmentally friendly. Distilled water has no negative impact on the environment whatsoever unlike other water products that must be filtered before they are consumed. Our Distilled water is purer than any bottled water on the market today because it goes through a distillation process which removes all impurities found in tap water. Moreover, our product does not require electricity or filters to produce fresh, clean drinking water.
Aside from being eco-friendly and healthier for its consumers, Distilled water is more affordable than regular bottled water.
How does Distilled water work?
Vapor distillation is a process that separates substances based upon differences in their boiling points. In our case, this means that water vapor is extracted from the ground source and then condensed into a pure distilled water product. This is possible because all impurities have a higher boiling point than water itself. This means that the impurities will evaporate first, leaving you with pure distilled water. Distilled water is also great for use in many commercial and industrial applications because it’s one of the most powerful cleaning agents available on the market, making this product perfect for sterilization, deionization, desalinization, demineralization and other water treatments.
Why Distilled water is the best choice?
Distilled water is processed at a much lower cost than other, more traditional purifying options such as reverse osmosis or nanofiltration because the process only requires five to seven steps, rather than the thirteen steps required for reverse osmosis or eighteen functions needed for nanofiltration. Distilled water is also more eco-friendly than alternatives that use chemicals for purification because it does not require the addition of any harmful substances, whether it be chlorine bleach or potassium permanganate.
Distilled water is an eco-friendly way to stay hydrated! Distilled water is processed at a much lower cost than other, more traditional purifying options. Distilled water doesn’t require the addition of harmful substances and is perfect for sterilization, deionization, desalinization, demineralization and many other water treatments. For more information about Vapor Distilled water or our products contact us today!
Distilled water vs. RO water?
While reverse osmosis works by forcing impure water through a membrane under high pressure, Distilled water is produced directly from water vapor and then condensed into a product that’s free of chemical additives and contaminants. VDW achieves this without the need for pressurized tanks or filters, making this an incredibly efficient and cost-effective way to achieve purified drinking water at home. It’s literally as easy as boiling your preferred of pure, filtered tap water in a pot or kettle, allowing the vapors to cool and re-condense into a finished product that you can then drink.