The birth of a child is one of the most important and momentous times in a parent’s life. It is a celebrated occasion of joy that is shared with the entire extended family. Bringing a precious little life into the world is an honor. People trust medical professionals to ensure their newborns are safe and properly cared for as they enter the world. When babies don’t receive the proper care and end up permanently injured, parents often turn to a birth injury lawyer to help them seek justice.
Newborns are fragile and any deviation from the normal standard of care can be disastrous. Unfortunately, this is such a common occurrence that some attorneys specifically specialize in birth injuries. They study the application of appropriate laws and the best way to represent their clients’ interests. Many times, a birth injury lawyer is an injured newborn’s only hope for the extensive medical care they require to live a decent life. Here are the 6 most common types of birth injuries seen today.
Brain Injuries
Many times, oxygen deprivation during childbirth can lead to brain injuries in newborns. If a baby spends too much time in the birth canal or a doctor fails to properly monitor a newborn during childbirth, it can result in brain injuries. Brain injuries can cause seizures as well as permanent mental or physical disabilities.
Muscle Injuries
Breech or complicated births can lead to muscle injuries for the newborn. Any of the babies’ limbs or soft tissues in the back may be injured during delivery. Sometimes, the unnecessary use of forceps or failure to properly monitor a newborn can lead to these injuries which may be permanent. Permanent and even temporary muscle injuries are often unnecessary and can significantly reduce a child’s quality of life.
Brachial Plexus
Brachial Plexus injuries are the result of nerve damage that usually affects feeling and muscle control in the arms, hands, or fingers. These injuries occur when the angle between a baby’s neck and shoulder is forced, and the nerves are stretched or torn. The resulting injuries may be poor muscle movement, a loss of feeling, and even a weak grip.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is usually the result of oxygen deprivation and is the most common type of birth injury today. It can result in muscle spasms, weakness, and even a lack of development. Babies born with cerebral palsy need extensive medical care. Better medical care typically results in a longer life expectancy and more independence for Cerebral Palsy victims.
Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s Palsy is the result of injury to the brachial plexus nerves during childbirth. Victims of Erb’s Palsy may suffer extensive injury to the arm or shoulder that often results in permanent disability. Babies with permanent damage may be paralyzed because of the injuries suffered during childbirth. They often have a hand that has a permanent claw shape.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Babies who suffer spinal cord injuries during childbirth endure a range of permanent damage and the results can be devastating. They may suffer from debilitating pain and physical limitations. They may also endure multiple neurological issues and permanent paralysis. Spinal cord injuries are among some of the most serious injuries newborns suffer during childbirth.
Perinatal Asphyxia
Perinatal Asphyxia occurs when blood, oxygen, or both are cut off in the newborn during childbirth or immediately afterwards. The result can be seizures, shock, or even a coma state. Babies who suffer this condition may appear pale or have trouble breathing. Perinatal asphyxia is another serious birth injury that can significantly reduce the quality of life.
Contact a Birth Injury Lawyer
If your newborn has suffered birth injuries that reduced their quality of life or caused permanent damage, contact a birth injury lawyer today. A skilled attorney who is experienced in these types of cases understands the emotional turmoil your family is enduring. They will take the time to listen compassionately and represent your interests to ensure your newborn gets the extensive medical care they require to improve their quality of life. Multiple birth injuries can result from negligence, inexperience, or just plain wrongdoing in the delivery room. Your baby doesn’t have to suffer in silence. Contact a birth injury lawyer who can get you the financial compensation you deserve today.