
8 Best Practices That Beginner Scrap Metal Collectors Must Remember

Whether you’re a residential property owner or business owner, there is an easy way to protect and  help the environment and make some decent money. Scrap metal recycling can be done in many different ways.

However, before scheduling your drop-off at one local facility near your location, remember these eight scrap metal recycling best practices.

  1. Make sure your scrap metal is clean. It might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people bring in scrap metal still caked with dirt, grease, or other materials. So, while some metal recycling facilities will accept it, you’ll likely get a lower rate for dirty scrap metal.
  2. Segregate your scrap metal. It would be best to keep different types of scrap metal separate because different metals are recycled differently and have different scrap values. For example, copper is often recycled through electrical wire stripping, while aluminum cans are heated, melted down and reformed.
  3. Check for contaminants. Before bringing in your scrap metal, check for any contaminants such as lead, mercury, or asbestos. These materials can be dangerous to workers and the environment and should not be brought to scrap metal recycling facilities.
  4. Remove any non-metal attachments. As scrap metal is recycled through melting and reforming, non-metal attachments such as plastic or rubber will only become contaminants. So, remove any of these before bringing in your scrap metal.
  5. Know the weight and volume of your scrap metal. This is important for two reasons. First, many recycling facilities charge by weight, so you’ll want to know how much your scrap metal weighs before going in. Second, scrap metal is often recycled by volume, so knowing the size of your scrap metal will help the recycling process go more smoothly.
  6. Find a reliable scrap metal recycling facility. Many different scrap metal recycling facilities exist, but not all are created equal. Make sure to research and find a trustworthy facility that will give you a fair and honest price for your scrap metal collection.
  7. Bring the proper documentation. When you bring your scrap metal to a recycling facility, make sure to bring any relevant documentation, such as a scrap metal bill of lading or certificate of destruction. This will help the recycling process go more smoothly and ensure you get paid for scrap metal.
  8. Get paid the right price for your scrap metal. Many scrap metal recycling facilities use a pricing system based on the current market value of scrap metal. This means that the price you get for your scrap metal can fluctuate depending on the market. Make sure to investigate thoroughly and know the current market value of scrap metal before bringing it in to get the best price possible. 

Final thoughts

By following these best practices, you can be sure that you’re getting the most out of your scrap metal collecting and helping to make the recycling process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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