You might have heard many times about a body massage but do you know what is it? A body massage is the application of massage on the muscles of the body and the skin surface. This massage can be done manually or by using massage machines. Massager uses different parts of the body to apply pressure which includes the hand, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet.
The machines which massagers use to apply pressure during the Full Body Massage includes vibration machines, heat-emitting machines, rollers made up of bamboo, and massage chairs. During a professional massage, the client lay down on massage tables. Special massages like aquatic massage are performed by submerging an individual in a hot water.
Amazing Types of Body Massage:
Active Release Technique:
In this massage, the massager manipulates the deep tissues of the body by using fingers. It is used as a treatment for pain in various parts of the body due to the overuse of muscles. When your muscles tear or experience injury, they built a dense scar at the affected site. This dense scar doesn’t allow to move muscles freely, due to which muscles become shorter.
The massage experts quickly identify from which problem are you suffering. After identifying the issue, they perform your treatment according to the issue.
Acupressure technique:
This technique is used to identify the pressure points of the body which are causing the pain and fatigue in the body. People believe that this massage restores the energy level of the body.
Anma Massage:
The origin of this massage is Japan and this massage includes kneading, tapping, shaking, and rubbing of the body.
Reflexology Massage:
Reflexology massage includes putting pressure on the feet and hands of the patient. This massage is based on the concept that our hand and feet have connections to different organs of the body. The massage on these parts improves the functioning of those organs.
Ayurvedic Massage:
Ayurvedic is a Sanskrit word and the origin of this massage is India. This massage improves the function of your lymphatic system. Due to improved function, it produces more lymphatic cells and improves your immunity. It also eliminates general body fatigue and makes your skin young and glowing.
Balinese Massage:
This massage includes the technique of kneading, stroking, and other techniques to make you fresh during and after the massage.
Craniosacral Therapy:
This massage involves gentle strokes and covers the skull, face, spine, and pelvis.
Reflexology Massage:
This massage includes putting pressure on the feet and hands of the patient. This massage is based on the concept that our hand and feet have connections to different organs of the body. The massage on these parts improves the functioning of those organs.
Lymphatic drainage massage:
This massage promotes the natural production of the lymph fluid and its drainage. The pressure is applied in the circular motion to stimulate and direct the lymph in the right direction for drainage.
Trigger Point Therapy:
In this massage, the massager applies pressures on specific parts of the body through fingers to eliminate the stiffness of muscles and to reduce the pain which specific points are causing in the body. After this massage, you will feel fresh and a relief from pain that was acting as a hurdle in your productivity.
The Full Body Massage is an authentic way of relieving yourself from the stress, pains, and making your skin glowing and clean. After a hectic routine, your body deserves a place where it can relax and restores its energy for the upcoming tasks of life.
Closing Lines:
Next time whenever you think about having a massage always give it a thought that your previous experience has led you to the deeper benefit instead of just being pampered. Having a massage is a great tool for improving your health.