
Best Ways To Protect Against Personal Injury And Illness

Life is uncertain for everyone, and when a sudden accident or injury can happen, you will never know. It is easy to believe that nothing wrong will happen in life and carry on, but it is smart to always take precautions and pre-plan for unfortunate situations.

Sometimes, personal injuries or illness can put to rest for days and weeks or even longer. You should plan how you will manage your finances in such situations. Here are some of the best ways to protect against personal injury and sickness.

How to protect against personal injuries or illnesses?

#1. Protect your income Against Personal Injury and Illness

Sickness and accident insurance in Australia would cover loss of income for a weekly benefit if you could not work due to an injury or illness.

You might think this type of coverage is unnecessary, but it’s something that many overlook, often because they don’t have the money to pay the premiums. However, this insurance policy can be a lifesaver for you and your family in an emergency.

Do I need Personal Accident and Illness coverage?

If you are stuck with this question, you should know that this question will help you cover the cost of replacing lost income when you are unable to work due to an injury or illness. It’s not just about covering your medical bills—it’s about letting you know you’re protected against the unexpected.

What do Personal Accidents and Illness cover protect you from?

Personal Accident and Illness insurance protect you from financial losses due to non-fatal injuries or illnesses sustained during work. This coverage can provide financial assistance to cover medical expenses, loss of income, and other costs associated with a covered accident or illness.

This coverage also includes disability benefits that help replace part of your regular income when you cannot work because of a covered accident or illness.

The following are some of the events that may be covered under Personal Accident and Illness:

  • Physical injury (including death) caused by accident occurring at work;
  • Illness contracted at work; and
  • Illness caused by exposure to hazardous substances at work.

In some policies, you can choose whether to be covered only for accidents or for accidents and illnesses.

To ensure your safety, we strongly recommend 24/7 coverage. You can also contact a  small business insurance broker to understand your coverage options comprehensively.

What are the exclusions for a Personal Accident and Illness plan?

The exclusions for a Personal Accident and Illness plan include the following:

  • Any injury or illness caused by war, civil commotion, riot or insurrection
  • Any damage or illness caused by a violation of any law of the Australian Government, any state, territory or foreign country (except when required by law)
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Injury or illness caused by self-inflicted injury
  • Any injury or illness sustained while engaging in illegal activities or extreme sports.
  • Any injury or illness occurs while you are under alcohol or drugs.

How do I claim for a personal accident and illness?

To claim for a personal accident and illness, you must fill in the form on your personal insurance services provider’s website or app or directly call the broker. You need to provide them with the following:

  • The date and time of your accident or sickness.
  • Details about how your accident or sickness happened.
  • Details about any medical treatment you have received due to your accident or sickness.

#2. Taking safety precautions

Another way to protect yourself against injury or accident is by taking safety precautions. For example

  • Wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle or bicycle is essential.
  • You should ensure that you wear proper protective gear when you engage in boxing or wrestling.
  • Checking your brakes and tire pressure and putting the seatbelts are important before driving.
  • You should walk cautiously on the wet floor instead of rushing on it.

#3. Know essential health and medical-related things

You can protect yourself against injury or accident by understanding necessary health-related information such as CPR and basic first aid skills. This is even more important if you’re living alone or without immediate access to medical assistance.

#4. Keep details of doctors or medical help handy

Save the details of your doctors, family and friends who can be contacted in an emergency. The details should include their address, phone number, email address, hospital or clinic name and contact number.


As a responsible adult, you should consider how to protect yourself against illness and injury. One of the best ways to do this is by purchasing an insurance policy from personal insurance services that will give you the money you need to cover your injury and illness bills. There is a wide range of policy options, so read about each and find one that will work for your unique situation.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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