
8 Common Blog Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

blog concept, business man looking at icon cloud blogging sketch

As of 2023, there are over 600 million internet blogs around the globe. Although, the quality of those blogs varies greatly and it’s easy to tell which ones don’t put in much effort. 

If you’re new to web design tools or branding for blogs, it’s easy to make common errors. A few simple changes might take your regular blog posts from underwhelming to outstanding for visitors.

The following guide will explore 8 common blog design mistakes that you must avoid. Read on to learn blog design ideas that can take your brand to the next level.

1. Unappealing Typography

The size and style of the text you choose for your blog matter. It can change how visitors perceive and comprehend your blog posts. A lot of templates handle this issue, but creators often try to make custom changes to make their blogs more unique.

If you choose to make changes on your own, make sure your font size is a minimum of 12 points. Also, try to use easy-to-read fonts such as Times New Roman and Georgia. You can visit for an example of proper blog typography.

Small text and intricate fonts make it harder for visitors to read and digest the information in your blog. Some readers might abandon the post altogether and choose not to visit your blog again.

2. Not Making Mobile-Friendly Posts

Today, people consume online content through their phones more and more often. If your blog posts aren’t optimized for mobile users, you’ll miss out on visitors.

Your posts might not display correctly on a smartphone screen forcing readers to move on from your blog. Plus, mobile-friendly blog posts tend to rank higher in search results.

3. Giant Text Walls

Modern readers tend to skim and scan articles for sections relevant to them. They look for visual clues so that they know what area of a post to pay attention to.

That’s why it’s crucial to break up your post into sections with bolded keywords included in headers. If you have giant walls of text, it makes your post visually tedious and difficult for readers to find the information they need.

Consider breaking up your post with bullet lists, images, and highlighted links. Make your paragraphs short and avoid adding irrelevant fluff to your posts.

4. Not Enough Contrast

Readers with visual impairments might have a tough time navigating your blog if it doesn’t have enough visual contrast. It’s important to address this issue so that your blog is accessible to everyone.

Contrast means the difference between the brightness of your text and the background. If there isn’t enough contrast between the two, readers have to strain their eyes to read your posts.

Consider using a contrast checker and color picker tool to find the right background and text combination. The contrast checker will let you know if your chosen color scheme passes the test for legibility.

5. Lengths and Heights

Lines of text that go on too long tend to exhaust readers. They might even lose their place while skimming through your post which leads to frustration.

However, if your text lines are too short, it might throw off their reading rhythm. When in doubt, keep your text lines between 50 to 75 characters and adjust your font size as needed.

Also, consider the height of your lines and paragraphs so that your text doesn’t appear too crowded.

6. Doing Too Much

Flashy images and graphics have their place in blogs, but adding too many can make a blog look cluttered. If there’s too much going on, readers can’t absorb the information in your post efficiently.

Also, make sure not to format too much of your text either. Bold and underline certain text to add emphasis, but only where it’s absolutely needed.

Try to leave a little space between your text and images to leave an appropriate amount of white space. You don’t want to leave huge gaps, but you also don’t want your text to run straight into your images.

7. Inconsistent Branding

You might promote your blog through social media platforms and your brand’s website. It’s important to keep your branding consistent across all channels.

Not staying consistent might confuse readers and hurt your ability to establish a clear identity. Try to use the same logo, colors, and text style across all platforms. 

You want readers to know they’re viewing your specific content so that they’ll come back for more. If nothing in your posts reflects your brand, you won’t build relationships and retain loyal readers.

8. Poor Visual Arrangement

You want readers to have an easy time navigating your blog so that they can find the most important posts first. If they have a poor user experience, they’ll likely bounce away from your blog never to return.

Create a visual hierarchy for your blog by examining each visual element and your layout. Uses images to strategically draw attention to important posts.

You can also try color-coding different sections and categories of your blog to improve navigation. Your blog shouldn’t look random or thrown together, it should look organized and its layout should appear intentional.

Avoiding Blog Design Mistakes

Remember the 8 tips in this guide to avoid common blog design mistakes and elevate your brand. Apply the fixes to any mistakes on your blog, read through your content, and make changes until you get your layout exactly how you want it.

Take a look at our blog’s digital marketing section under the “more category” tab for other helpful tips.

Written by Patricia

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