
How Has Technology Changed Our Lives?

How Has Technology Changed Our Lives

Every thought that humans will endeavor to colonize Mars? Those scenes from the science fiction of self-driving cars will actually materialize. Well, that’s precisely how technology has transformed lives on earth. Through advancements in automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence, humans are paving ways to stimulate the brain’s neural function to train artificial neural networks to mimic human cognitive behavior.

If we come back from such far-fetched missions, the impact of technology on our everyday lives has been tremendously influential. Like being able to create our virtual caricature that would exactly reflect our physical being through this Bengali keyboard. We shall discuss the gradual developments and the rise of regional language keyboards as a part of technological advancement.

With the advent of the unprecedented pandemic worldwide, our entire lives would have halted, had technology not experienced such a momentum. Imagination leads to innovations and through innovations technological advancements are harnessed to attain the vision. Starting from the advent of work from home to online education and classes, technology has ensured the flow of everyday affairs even while being confined to the borders of our homes. Technology has made it possible for the world to usher in the era of the digital revolution where every aspect of life, be it a doctor’s appointment, ordering food and groceries to virtual tours, can be organized digitally. The advancement in technology has revolutionized our world in every dimension. Such progress led to the development of multifunctional devices with high-powered functionalities. For example the portable laptop, tabs, and smartphones. Technology has established a curious connection across major world regions and made those accessible to people through wireless networks like the internet.

The Internet has monopolized the sphere of communication. We resort to the internet for communicating from anywhere in the world. Previously, before the internet, communication was time-consuming and resource-intensive. Telegram letters took days and even months to arrive. To know the news of the day, one had no other option but to wait for hours and days. With the internet and the rise of applications, knowing the ongoing events across the world is a matter of seconds with constant updates pouring through smartphone notifications.

The emergence of Web 2.0 in the early twenty-first century fostered the growth of social media and the rest of the communicative platform. Thus, the digital sphere transformed from mere ways of exchanging information became a place of communication and content development. The Internet has become almost like a parallel world, as significant as the lives on earth due to technological innovations.

Let us talk about communications in terms of imparting education. With the need for stricter measures to curb the spread of the virus and social distancing, education shifted to online media. This changed the perception of physical classes to online and distance learning connecting institutions and students across the globe.

Through automation and artificial intelligence, humans can enable machines to perform mundane activities. The machine is also performing mission-critical functions, empowering humans to reach greater heights. The inception of Alexa, face recognition, Siri, virtual reality are becoming possible through deep networks facilitating an era of revolution.

Technology has been instrumental in preserving the treasures of the past through advanced methodologies. Digital technologies play a crucial role in safeguarding cultural heritage. The rare oral resources which work like a  database in understanding the progression of the present world now can be preserved through technology. These accounts can be captured in audio-visual media and stored in clouds for generations to come and access. Technology enables people from all walks of life to access the culture and tradition of even the remotest tribe.

The internet has become a platform to raise awareness about the diversity of language, stories, and narrative, redefining the pattern of a single story and dominant framework. With modern technology, millions of people are getting access to the internet, thus enriching the platform with distinct narratives and preserving the culture. Social media has given opportunities for people to be more inclusive, questioning stereotypes, hegemony, and celebrating the vision of plurality.

Technologies are being utilized for families to stay united even while staying apart. With the lockdown restrictions and people falling ill, applications and virtual platforms ensured that their families, friends receive the everyday needs without meeting them. Technology enabled care and kindness not to be limited in the physical meeting but also so that it could reach even while staying distant. Video calling options wiped away the apparent distance as the loved ones are just a screen away.

Staying away from families and homes can adversely affect mental well-being. In this scenario, regional language keyboards like Bengali keyboard app have rendered a sense of belongingness. One can communicate and converse in their native language without resorting to foreign methods. Such applications are highly customizable with options like typing in Bengali or Banglish, thus acquiring importance among youth and elders alike. With features like inspiring quotes, customizable fonts, themes, and console size, this Bangla Keyboard ensures language does not become a hindrance in the way of staying connected.

One can make virtual avatars and customize GIFs and emojis, thus converting dull and interesting chats into vibrant and lively conversations. This kind of regional keyboard is playing its parts in preserving the cultural heritage of communities and making avenues for technology to transform everyday mundane activities.

Technology has indeed transformed the brief history of mankind, and the truth about technology is that it has its darker sides, however, human conscience is smart enough to understand and harness the positive aspects of technology to make lives better. The era of innovation has no limit, like imagination it keeps on expanding. In the near future, more advanced innovations will enter and transform fiction into a page of reality.

Written by Addison Taylor

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