The children are our future and our hope. It sounds like a tired cliché, but we all know it to be true. In the case of the UIA in Australia, they recognize this fact and act accordingly.
Known as the United Israel Appeal and being an arm of Keren Hayesod, they work night and day to support the global Jewish community. An essential part of this mission is working with youth communities. This is especially the case when it comes to marginalized and at-risk youth.
The UIA has put faith in several talented youth leaders to spearhead this cause in Australia. They do this through various events, webinars, and immersive projects. The UIA seeks to improve lives and outcomes and offer opportunities in the diaspora.
Read on to find out more about the UIA, what they do, and how they help youth.
Lifting Up Marginalized Youth
One of the things the UIA prioritizes is its community youth services. Every country where the UIA is present has a youth branch, and Australia is no different. Youth at-risk in particular are a huge focus of the UIA.
YoungUIA in Australia has been working to provide opportunities and support to youth. Many youth communities in Israel need our help. On the fringes of Israeli society, such as in the countryside and poor areas, life is a struggle.
Social and economic inequality is a real risk, and children – the hope of the future – feel it. The UIA seeks to address social and educational gaps. Several programs and events try to give children the resources they need to succeed.
Youth Programs
One of the latest programs was Net@, designed to teach tech skills to Jewish youth. With support and effort from Australia and the rest of the Jewish diaspora, the goal is to prepare youth for the future. These include everything from teaching coding languages to photoshop and Microsoft Office.
Teaching practical tech skills will future-proof Jewish youth entering the job market. Aside from Net@, YoungUIA and UIA host numerous galas and physical events. These bring the community together to fundraise and discuss future projects.
YoungUIA also spends tons of time canvassing their local communities in Australia. More than only financial support, YoungUIA prides itself on fostering valuable experiences. The volunteers and supporters of YoungUIA work together and visit Israel to see their projects and results in action.
Recently with the global situation, UIA has also been running remote webinars. Even the Net@ program has transitioned online. This allows the UIA to keep giving youth a sense of stability in an uncertain time.
A Sense of Community
The UIA in Australia has an important overall mission and responsibility. It works to further the needs and improve the lives of the global Jewish community. No matter where we are or which countries we call home, we are all family.
As part of the UIA’s mission, it hosts events and invites key speakers from around the world and, of course, Israel. These include distinguished youth leaders, as well as world leaders. The UIA engages with youth and supports programs supporting marginalized young Jews.
In addition to Net@, these include Youth villages. Here, Jewish youth can safely live, learn, and overcome their backgrounds. In these villages, children receive a full education to ensure they’re all caught up.
Their nutritional, medical, and emotional needs are also met here. All of this is possible because of a sense of community. You may also join volunteers in Australia to come together as a community to support those less fortunate.
Through this kind of work, a strong global diasporic community emerges. More than only helping those in Israel, the UIA provides a sense of home and family to volunteers as well. Maintaining and growing these connections in the diaspora and with Israel is vital.
A Mission of Unity
The UIA in Australia has long been a supporter of the Jewish community. It has sought to unify the community inside of Australia, Jewish and not, and continues to do so. Through its many programs and initiatives, it works with branches worldwide.
The UIA strives to create a sense of unity with Israel and across the diasporic world. Its many contributing members, such as former federal president Lance Rosenberg, have seen to that. With Esther Frenkiel taking over the federal presidential reigns, the future is bright.
Part of this mission is why the UIA does so much for youth. The time, effort, and love it gives to its youth projects are important. The invaluable experiences it provides to its youth volunteers are even more so.
The UIA does more than provide relief to struggling and marginalized youth. It helps young families integrate. Most of all, the UIA works to create a generation of leaders, both in Israel and abroad.
Many of those working on the YoungUIA executive team is the cream of Australia’s crop. All young adults themselves, they’ve worked hard to advance themselves and give back. They include members of the Jewish community as well as supportive allies.
This generation of leaders is exactly what the UIA wants to help cultivate in Israel. The ability to give back and create meaningful connections worldwide is a net benefit for all. The youth are our future, but also our hope.
Giving young adults the resources and space to build effective youth projects is key. Furthering the mission to help marginalized youth and build strong connections starts with them.
Supporting Jewish Youth Communities
The UIA has a number of initiatives aimed at helping the global Jewish community. One of the most important ones is YoungUIA and its support of youth communities. They focus on helping marginalized youth get out of poverty and achieve success.
Along with this, the UIA fosters meaningful connections and volunteer experiences. These include youth leaders from around the world and, of course, in Australia. For more information on the UIA, its mission, or what they do, you can take a look through our website.