
Myths About SEO Specialists You Shouldn’t Believe In

5 Core SEO Functions You May Have Overlooked

Any online business, website, or blogger should know at least the very basics of Search Engine Optimization. SEO is one of the most popular and efficient strategies on bringing stable and constant traffic to one’s web page. Hence, it’s really difficult to keep your online presence visible in search engines if you are not using any SEO help. Unfortunately, though, many still get confused about what SEO means and how it should be done properly. There are many myths and misconceptions flying around and messing with people’s content marketing plans. So, let’s stop those myths right here. These are the most common and hurtful misconceptions you should not carry to your future marketing strategy.

  1. Similar Google search results

Often, people either forget or simply don’t know that Google is on us. All the time. It means that Google knows who you are, what you like or don’t like. Often, it seems to even know what you want. Hence, it speaks to you as an individual. Such strategy also means that your search results will always be customized according to your desires and preferences. This is also why SEO strategy works so well. It takes into account every person’s search history and builds the target audience based on that. Search engines will help bring the right people to your site as long as you know how to present your services to the engine. It’s a relationship built on mutual trust and understanding.

  1. Keyword stuffing works best

Nope, just no. The abundance of keywords on a single page will not get you where you want to be. In fact, the results will be quite the opposite. You will be surprised to know how many people think that a large number of keywords will raise them in the rankings. It works the other way, actually. For example, a good and professional essay writing company will never overuse the titles of their services on a page. Why? Because Google doesn’t like it. The search engine understands you from the first and second time. There is no need to yell your keywords at it. Such behavior will send you back in the ranking, not up.

  1. The quality of the content doesn’t matter

Keywords are the main part of your SEO strategy, and the rest doesn’t count. Wrong! You must have high-quality content to go up in the ranking. Google always includes user experience when deciding on a page’s position. Hence, if it sends leads to the page and users don’t stay there, Google will stop sending people there. To avoid losing your potential customers, you need to have good content. Otherwise, people don’t want to stay on your page. The search engine takes it to a conclusion and decides to avoid sending new people over there next time around.

If you want to go up in the ranking, you should have something to offer besides just keywords. Create content that will convince people to stay for a bit longer. Give users the information that they expected to find on your page. For example, if you offer free marketing essays examples, do give those to the users right away. If they open a link and it is nothing they expected it to be, they’ll leave the next moment. Their quick escape means you’re lost in the ranking. It’s that easy.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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