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Myths About UI/UX Design in 2021 That You Should Forget

Graphic Designer

2021 brought new ux web design trends that replaced the UX/UI trends of 2019-2020. In today’s post, we are going to talk about features and solutions that used to be relevant in the past but lost value due to some reasons.

This post will be useful to specialists who work in professional UX/UI design agencies and want to keep up with the world of design. Also, if you are a business owner who develops a digital product in collaborations with designers, stay tuned. You will learn about some irrelevant trends and will be able to avoid them in your project.

Myth 1. Designers are the ones who can solve the problems of the website users.

A common mistake is to think that high-quality UX/UI design is the responsibility of designers and only designers. In reality, problem-solving is a team game. Marketers, programmers, copywriters, and other specialists communicate to solve a task. When creating a design, do not forget that your decisions may not be feasible with program code.

It is also recommended to listen to marketers for stamp maker who are developing a product promotion strategy. One element of the marketing strategy is to meet the needs of users by solving their problems. They are the people who analyze the market’s needs and speak the same language as the customers.

Myth 2. You need 5 users to identify UI/UX issues

This idea was first formulated in 1992 by Robert Virzi. According to him, when conducting tests for usability (usability) of a website, it is enough to have 5 test users. Some designers still follow it, considering it a classical technique.

There is some truth in it, but attracting only five people to test the product will not reveal all the problems. Products created by companies are becoming more complex and require testing at several stages to identify 100% of the problems.

It is better to run several usability tests with five users to identify possible problems. Virzi used to say that one test is enough to identify 80% of the problems. However, in the modern world, leaving another 20% overboard can hit the company for which you are creating a design.

Myth 3. You need to constantly learn new methods and techniques

New methods are constantly appearing, and books are being published, articles are being written. Not only UI/UX designers but any digital professionals may feel that they have missed something important.

When you absorb information from textbooks, articles, video courses, and other sources, you feel more confident.

The truth is that it is false because, constantly learning new things without analyzing them, you are unlikely to remember new information. In the best-case scenario, it will be deposited somewhere in the back of the memory.

Select several authoritative sources which you will use to receive new content and reasonably absorb it, taking what you need.

Myth 4. You need to study only one profession

Professionals in one area do an excellent job when it comes to their specialization. But when they go beyond their “circle of responsibilities”, they are often lost. To avoid this, familiarize yourself with the basic areas of each area of ​​UI/UX.

What to learn:

  1. How to conduct user research;
  2. What is interaction design;
  3. How is to create a content strategy;
  4. How information architecture is created;
  5. The role of visual design.

Being aware of other fields of design will allow you to have a more comprehensive understanding of your solutions.

Myth 5. UX/UX is exclusively about the users

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Creating a design, you make it not only for the users but also for the client company. Your task is to make customers interested in using the services or purchasing products of the organization for which you create a design.

Show interest in the goals set by the company. Learn their KPI and how to evaluate design performance. Join their team, and together you will identify the needs and problems of users faster and find ways to solve these tasks.


In today’s selection, you learned about UX myths that are still alive in 2021. In several sentences, this is your takeout:

  • User problems are resolved by the team.
  • Several usability tests should be carried out if you have a complex product.
  • Professional growth must be meaningful. Absorb information wisely.
  • Deepening in your specialization is good; knowing the basics of related fields is even better.
  • Solve not only user problems but also the company’s tasks.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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