
Rat Droppings vs Mice Droppings: Identifying the Difference

There’s a gross factor to every home pest problem that you wouldn’t expect. It’s finding their gross poop everywhere and dealing with it — on your countertops, in your food, on your couch, and everywhere else. When it comes to the health issues caused by both rat droppings vs mice droppings, the difference is minimal.

Read on to learn what to look for and what mouse droppings vs rat droppings look like — so you can identify which pest you have and handle the problem.

Understanding the Size Difference

Rat droppings are much larger than the droppings of mice due to the size difference between the two animals. Rat droppings are typically about 18 to 20 mm (¾ to ⅞ inch) in size and can sometimes appear as large as a raisin.

In contrast, mouse droppings are much smaller in size, measuring between 1 to 2 mm (less than ⅛ inch) in length. Rat droppings usually have pointed ends, while mouse droppings tend to be more rounded.

Different Nutritional Makeup of the Droppings

In terms of nutritional makeup, rat droppings are known to contain higher amounts of fiber and are rich in proteins, lipids, and minerals, compared to mouse droppings which are richer in starch.

Both types of droppings may contain a variety of bacteria and parasites, so it’s important to use proper safety precautions when encountering either species of droppings.

Comparing the Color of the Droppings

Rat droppings and mice droppings are both dark in color and are often mistaken for one another; however, there are differences in color between the two. Rat droppings are generally dark black in color, while mouse droppings are typically brown or darker gray hues.

Rat droppings tend to be larger in size than mice droppings, measuring approximately ½ inch in length. Both rat and mouse droppings contain proteins that may cause allergies, infections, and illnesses, so it’s very important to remove them promptly and dispose of them properly. Check this rodent control service to help you out.

Identifying Preferred Hiding Places

The distinguishing feature between rat and mouse droppings is size; rat droppings are larger than mouse droppings. Rats prefer to hide in higher, darker places, such as attics, roofs, and wall cavities.

They also prefer to nest in areas near walls and near food sources. Mouse droppings are more likely to be scattered around the house, near the baseboards, in kitchen cabinets, and inside furniture such as couches and chairs.

Mice also prefer dark, secluded places, such as burrows in the ground, wall voids, and clutter. Both rats and mice can also be found in basements and garages as these provide warm, dark, and safe places to live.

Learn to Identify Rat Droppings vs Mice Droppings

Rat droppings vs mice droppings Therefore, it is important to learn the differences to be able to accurately identify their respective droppings. That is why it is essential to take the time to examine, with a keen eye, the size and other characteristics of the droppings you are dealing with to determine the best course of action for your needs.

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Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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