A flower child demands and desires peace and calm. They reject the typical society and advocate idealistic values. They are optimistic people who radiate positive vibes in the aura. It would not be wrong to say that they become an inspiration for the people and spread love and peace in society. They have a loving heart and a kind soul. We would not say flower children introvert, but in good words, we can say that they love or enjoy their individuality. They want their own company and love to spread and show it to the people how to love oneself.
1- Love old music:
Flower children gathering are into the music; that is why they have been tagged as the old souls. They tend to get along better with the older generation. So it is true that they are young blood, but they are old souls when it comes to music taste. People usually assume that the calm person might just be a soul. They enjoy the 1960s music as t feels better to them. The old music gives them positive feelings and inner peace.
2- Barefoot Child:
They love to walk barefoot. When they enter the home, they put their shoes aside and walk barefoot in the house. They feel comfortable when they are barefoot. They enjoy wearing jewelry on their feet and decorate their feet as well. When they walk barefoot, they enjoy they feel a sensual connection with the surrounding. They think that the earth propels the unknown energy into their legs.
3- Love patterned Clothing:
They always want the easiest ways to look beautiful and usually wear just any style, so they enjoy loose and baggy dresses. They have a plethora of clothing patterns, but they love patterned Clothing more. They always want to look decent and charming.
4- Openness to Experience:
The Flower children enjoy everyone’s company as they are easy-going people. They always see good in the people and avoid any negativity in others people. No one can judge them quickly about their nature. They speak about what is going in their mind when it is needed. They always embrace new things, ideas, and challenges. They tend to pursue creative endeavors. It is observed that the person who is always an openness to experience is flexible and creative.
5- Proves that the world is a better place:
They love the world, and whenever something terrible happens, they see the good side of it that what they have learned from it. They always show people that what is good in the world and try to change people’s perception of the world. They have the desire o make the world a better place where everyone enjoys and loves each other. They also hope and desires for the better world and give there 100% in making it.
6- Love to face challenges:
The Flower children love to face challenges as they feel that it is the best possible way to learn. They are not afraid of tested by others. Well, they see the picture and able to see beyond appearances. They are less likely to trigger from the people and the environment. In short, we can say that they are confident enough to face all challenges of life. They have a sharp mind that is why they enjoy and love facing challenges.
7- Love Spontaneous Decision
They are daring and fearless and loves spontaneous decision. The flower children are passionate and full of life. They always have good energy and a bold trendsetter. They always have a vital mission and purpose and go against any grain to fulfill it. Any one can make a courageous decision if they have a purpose and a mission. The quality of spontaneous decision gives them the uninhabited and the relaxed qualities. It is one of the incredible trait in the which they also enjoy it.
In a nutshell, the flower children are the most inspiring people. They enjoy their company and love the world to its fullest. There is heart is constantly exploding for love of others and passion. They always sees the world with the hopeful eyes and see the broad picture of the world that others cannot understand.