Use these six simple tips to get better quality sleep and maintain your mental and physical health.
Sleep is such a basic need and activity, right? But then, why is it so difficult to get quality sleep? Whether it’s insomnia, anxiety, and improper sleep environment, not getting the right amount of quality sleep can be really frustrating. Plus, it is also extremely unhealthy, leading to an increased risk of heart problems, lower performance, anxiety and depression, and many other such complications.
For some people, not being able to fall asleep when they are awake at 3 a.m. is a terrible nightmare that you have while your eyes are wide open, but the good news is that enough and quality sleep is more under your control than you may think. Certain healthy sleep habits can make all the difference between restlessness and getting plenty of rest.
This article explores six simple tips to help you improve your sleep. Keep reading below to find out more!
Lower the temperature in your bedroom
High temperatures in your bedroom, especially on chilly winter nights, may seem really cozy and perfect for sleep. But, the truth is that high temperatures may prevent you from falling asleep and staying asleep as well.
First of all, find out that the body’s temperature changes as we fall asleep. More precisely, the body cools down when people fall asleep and warms up when they get up. So, if the room in which you sleep is too warm, you may find it difficult to fall asleep.
Specialists consider that the ideal room temperature for a good night’s sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius). So, try to set your thermostat for a temperature close to that to help your body and brain fall asleep eco-friendly bamboo bedding from Ecoy.
Here’s another trick related to setting your body’s temperature to promote sleep: take a warm shower or bath before bedtime. This can help by speeding up the body’s temperature changes. As your body cools down after the warm bath/ shower that you just took, this might be a signal for your brain that it is time to go to sleep.
Meditate before sleep
Meditation is a relaxation technique that sees a lot of popularity these days. Various studies have proven that mindful meditation can have many health benefits, from lowering blood pressure and anxiety, reducing stress levels, and improving sleep.
Meditation can help improve your sleep quality by simply allowing you to relax and remove any anxious thoughts that might keep you up all night long, including the anxiety related to your insomnia. In fact, the more you worry about not being able to fall asleep, the harder it will be for you to get some rest.
Practicing meditation, even some basic breathing exercises, can help you eliminate negative thoughts and emotions, relax, and be more prepared to fall asleep. Studies have shown that meditation can enhance melatonin levels and assist the brain in getting to a state that is ready for sleep.
Wear comfortable pajamas
No one could ever fall asleep while wearing some very uncomfortable clothes that are too tight or contain fabric that can irritate the skin. Getting as comfortable as possible when you lay down in bed is also essential to falling asleep faster.
Now, a comfortable mattress and bedding do play their role in improving the depth and quality of your sleep. But so do your pajamas.
Bamboo pajamas for women that are comfortable can protect your body against cold, prevent illnesses, improve comfort, and even improve your hygiene. The gentler the fabric is on the skin, the better sleep you’ll get because high-quality fabrics keep you cool, they are breathable, and they promote better sleep.
Have a sleep schedule and respect it
It can be a little bit confusing for your brain to go to sleep at different times each day. Going to sleep at 10 p.m. one night, only to get in bed at 2 a.m. the following night, may really mess with what your body and brain think is the “time for sleep.” It all comes down to your internal clock.
Our bodies have their own regulatory systems called the circadian rhythm. This is basically our internal clock that tells your brain when to be alert during the day and when to get sleepy during the night.
Studies have shown that a fixed sleep schedule that involves waking up and going to bed at the same times each day can improve sleep by helping the internal clock keep a regular schedule.
Don’t look at the time
We’ve already mentioned that anxiety about sleeplessness is a real thing that can get in the way. So, do your best to avoid getting anxious about the fact that you can’t fall asleep. One way to do that is to avoid looking at the time, no matter if you’re lying in bed without being able to sleep or if you wake up in the middle of the night.
If possible, make sure to remove any clock from your room while sleeping, including your smartphone. This way, you won’t be tempted to check on the time and increase your frustration and anxiety about not being asleep at that late time.
Exercise during the day
Physical activity has been linked with improved sleep in various specialized studies.
Exercising, even some low exercising activity, can increase the duration and quality of your sleep. How? By boosting the production of serotonin neurotransmitter, the mood stabilizer hormone, and decreasing the levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.
However, make sure that while trying to improve your sleep through exercising, you don’t cause even more damage to your sleep. More precisely, stay away from excessive training right before sleep time.
The best time to work out is early in the morning. This will also boost your mood and make you more active throughout the entire day. Moderate-intensity exercises like running, hiking, cycling, or even playing tennis should do.