Since 1990, the Social Security Law Center has been the leading social security law firm for the Oklahoma legal community.
We have become a national leader in assisting injured workers with our no-charge/refund lawyer services.
Some of our key services include disability and life insurance coverage investigation, litigation support, practical wage and hour representation, workers’ compensation and employment issues, wage and hour violations, and clients who have lost their jobs to labor law violations.
All of our cases are reviewed and conducted by an experienced legal professional to ensure our clients receive the best possible results and receive a full refund of any services provided, where applicable.
The SLLC Legal Team is made up of highly qualified professionals and a talented group of attorneys who are equipped with years of experience representing injured workers.
What is Social Security Disability Benefits?
Social Security Disability Benefits (SSD) are payments made to eligible individuals who cannot work due to injury. There are two types of disability coverage — First, if you have had a pre-existing condition, you qualify for SSD benefits.
Second, you can qualify for SSD if you have sustained a new injury or have an impairment that was not previously covered. These are the same rules, for the most part, as for workers’ compensation benefits.
What are the Types of Workers’ Compensation?
There are two different types of workers’ compensation:
Disability Insurance. This covers a person who cannot work due to an injury or illness. Workers’ Compensation Disability Insurance pays benefits if the injury occurred on the job and you have no other sources of income.
Read more When Do You Need a Lawyer for Social Security Disability?
This covers a person who cannot work due to an injury or illness. Workers’ Compensation Disability Insurance pays benefits if the injury occurred on the job and you have no other sources of income. Casualty Insurance. This pays for workers’ compensation if you work under someone else’s name. This is a very narrow group of workers.
To qualify for either of these types of workers’ compensation, you must submit evidence that you were injured on the job. This means you need to have a worker’s compensation number in order to qualify.
What are Disability Benefits?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides payments to you for long-term disabilities, either from work-related injuries or illnesses. An SBI is coverage most people have, and those who don’t qualify will likely have to pay large premiums for private coverage.
If you qualify for an SBI, the Social Security Law Center can help you get this coverage and help to make sure that you do not pay a premium.
How Social Security Law Center Can Help
Thousands of people continue to get up each day and go to work, however, they all suffer from poor health and limited income. This problem is affecting millions of people in the United States and the Social Security Administration provides the only source of retirement income that all retirees can count on.
The Social Security Law Center wants to ensure that every senior is aware of the benefits they can receive. If you’ve ever wondered how you can receive Social Security benefits, it’s time to take action and find out how.
The mission of the Social Security Law Center is to provide seniors with information about Social Security, pensions, survivor, and disability benefits. In 2016, they serviced 13,607 seniors and facilitated 242 settlements for more than $101 million, representing 73 percent of settlement activity.
The Social Security Law Center is the only non-profit law firm in the nation dedicated to helping seniors and their families access the benefits and resources provided by Social Security.
It provides high-quality legal assistance in securing the retirement income needed to stay out of poverty.
The Center helps beneficiaries apply for Social Security retirement benefits and delay filing in order to maximize benefits.
Social security law benefits and eligibility
What does the law require?
The benefits available through the act are based on the number of years the claimant has worked, or as a self-employed person, or as a full-time student. The amount of the benefit is calculated according to a percentage of the average earnings during the first three months of employment or self-employment, which is supposed to be minimum wage.
The minimum number of years of work or self-employment for claiming SSS benefits is 15.
Certain professions require longer periods of service.
For instance, in addition to the 15, there are some jobs that only require a 12-month service as prescribed by the SSS.
The employer and the employee each have to provide a one-time enrolment certificate to be valid.
Also checkout 12 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer
Salary data
The amount of an SSS pension is determined by the contributions that are paid by the employer, the employee, and the SSS on behalf of the employee.
The SSS earns monthly earnings and calculates the amounts depending on the last 30 days of the last three months of the last quarter of the previous year.