
What Do Customers Want from Your Website? An Easy Guide

The modern customer has big expectations when it comes to business websites and apps. Here, you can learn exactly what customers want from your website and how you can satisfy these demands without splashing out tons of cash.

Having a business website alone isn’t enough anymore. You need to go the extra mile by supercharging your website with all the right features. Once you do this, website traffic will increase and those all-important sales will start to go up. After all, that’s the dream, right?

There’s a misconception out there that building a customer-focused website is too expensive and time-consuming. This isn’t true. As you’ll soon find out, there are many different features that you can add to your business website that aren’t overly expensive and can be achieved pretty quickly.

My Business Website Keeps Experiencing Downtime — What Should I Do?

If your business website is currently experiencing lots of downtime, it’s important that you solve this issue before anything else. One of the main pet peeves that online shoppers have today is website downtime — they can’t stand it! Therefore, you need to get your website uptime as high as possible.

The first step you need to take is to start API Monitoring. This is the process of analyzing API performance and behaviors so that potential problems can be identified before they become major ones. In this instance, your main concern would be monitoring website uptime. Whenever your website isn’t responsive or is behaving abnormally, your API monitoring tool will let you and your team know straight away, allowing you to act fast and reduce website downtime.

Here’s What Customers Want from Your Website in 2023

Now, it’s time to dive into the technical details of what customers want from your business site in the age of online shopping and online customer service.

1.    Mobile-Friendly Interface

Millions of customers now access their favorite business websites using Androids and iPhones. The reason for this is because it enables faster browsing and purchasing. Plus, it’s more convenient than using a computer.

With this in mind, you need to make your website as mobile-friendly as possible. Without a mobile-friendly interface, you’ll risk driving potential customers away.

2.    Customer Service Options

At a minimum, your website should offer chatbot customer service. In addition to this, you should also provide additional customer service options, such as a telephone number and email address. Remember, the modern customer wants their problems to be solved fast — not slow!

3.    Different Payment Methods

The days of shopping online with a credit and debit card might soon be over. Now, it’s all about modern payment methods like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. These brand-new payment methods are faster and easier compared to the traditional methods.

4.    Reviews and Case Studies

Customers want to know that your business is trustworthy, which is why many of them go looking for customer reviews and case studies. If you don’t offer any on your website, it’ll make them suspicious that your products aren’t up to scratch.

5.    Blogs

Last but not least, make sure to post regular blogs on your website. The higher the quality, the better.

Your blogs should include plenty of variety, from helpful guides to specific product reviews. When your blogs have value, then customers will also make sure they share them, which is great for driving website traffic and growing your brand reputation.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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