If you’re reading this, you’re probably keen to define and unravel the approaches commonly used in digital product development: Agile vs Design Thinking vs Lean Startup.These concepts are well known to those working to build innovative products.They have become so trendy and popular that they are used almost interchangeably. However, it is worth knowing their characteristics and how they really differ from each other. This is because we must not lose the full picture of the approaches currently in use.
Characteristics of Lean
The lean approach is agile. It focuses on delivering value to the end user. While Lean and Agile in software development may seem similar, when it comes to origins – they were born in a different environment.The Lean Startup methodology is not just for startups. It’s designed for new, entrepreneurial, innovative digital companies, but it also works for larger, more established companies looking to meet their digital product needs. As with Agile and Design Thinking, Lean Startup emphasises the importance of the end user of the product in a rigorous alternative to classic project management approaches. With this approach we can significantly reduce the time to deliver value (any value), ultimately reduce investment costs and streamline production or manufacturing processes.
Characteristics of Agile
Transparency is essential in Agile, especially in communication. This transparency depends partly on the tools used by the team but also on the team structure itself. A key element of Agile is flexibility, especially in terms of planning. Agile is great for project work. It makes the work easier, identifies “weak points in the project” and ensures that team members can focus on their tasks without being distracted.
Characteristics of Design Thinking
Design Thinking allows you to generate ideas and what distinguishes it from Lean Startup is the transformation of ideas into working and optimal business models. This gives us the tools to effectively manage a project or product, test it regularly, collect feedback and adapt it to customer expectations. Design Thinking is a process that i.e. the business objectives to be supported by the digital product and the needs of the product users. Design Thinking offers a consultative approach to the design and development of digital products. Design Thinking uses a structured process to get to the heart of customer and user needs, really understand them, and then apply innovative tools and techniques to find a creative solution.