Hard drives are usually pretty quiet, but some make a muted click when accessed or turned off. This is completely normal.On the other hand, if you only hear noises from time to time, or if you hear noises you’ve never heard before, such as clicking, grinding, vibrating, or grinding, then there may be a problem with your hard drive.
The following steps will help you determine if it’s actually a faulty hard drive beeping or making noise, and if so, what to do next before all your valuable data is permanently gone.
What to do when your Hard Drive Makes Noise or Beep?
Duration: This troubleshooting will take anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours depending on the cause of the hard drive noise.
- The first thing to do is to make sure the hard drive is the real source of the noise and no other hardware.For more information on this, see Seagate hard drive beeping for the other noises your computer may make near the bottom section.
For example, if you unplug the power and data cables from the hard drive and the computer still makes a noise when starting, then it is clear that the problem is not the hard drive.
On the other hand, it is important to test each scenario to actually identify the source. If the noise goes away when you plug in the power cable and it happens again when you plug the data cable into the hard drive, you may need to replace the data cable.
- If you are convinced that the hard drive itself is faulty, run the free hard drive diagnostic software already available on many computers or on the internet.You can also use the most advanced diagnostic software at the cost of a third-party software developer.
When running diagnostic software, it is best to close all other programs and unplug any other drives or devices you are not testing to avoid distorting the results.
- If the fix in the diagnostic software does not temporarily resolve the hard disk noise, perform a full system backup and replace the hard disk immediately.See the first tip below for some ways to back up your files on your computer.
If diagnostic software helps you fix a clicking, grinding, or grinding noise, keep in mind that this is only a temporary solution. The hard drive keeps crashing until it is completely unusable.A permanent solution is to back up your entire system and replace the hard drive as soon as possible.
However, on rare occasions, if you’re hard drive makes noise only when you access certain data on it, there may be a specific sector error that some diagnostic software can recover from.
More Help on Troubleshooting Hard Drive Noise Issues
There is no good way to recover from a failed hard drive, so it is important to protect your data with regular backups.With an up-to-date backup, recovering from a hard drive failure is as simple as installing a new drive and restoring your data.
The best way to back up your data is to use an online backup service. This is because your files are kept in the “cloud” and are less likely to be lost or destroyed.
However, a faster way is to use a free backup program. Some of these programs can even clone files from a failed hard drive and save them to a new working hard drive.
Solid-state drives (SSDs) don’t have moving parts like traditional hard drives, so you won’t hear one fail as you would with a spinning hard drive.
External hard drives make noise as well as internal. This noise is usually heard when the drive is first connected to the computer and is often caused by power or cable connection problems.
Instead of a power strip, you can plug the power adapter directly into the wall, use a shorter USB cable, use a USB 2.0+ port, or plug the hard drive into a USB port to get rid of the noise of an external hard drive. The back of the computer instead of the front.Of course, always check that the USB port is also working properly.
Fragmented hard drives place more demands on the hardware components that need to be moved than hard drives that are not. You can use a free defragmentation program to extend the life of your hard drive, but that won’t solve the problem on most noisy hard drives.
If the hard drive is making noise, it means it is powered on. However, you may not be able to boot into the operating system to use the files normally.