
When Should You Upgrade Your Home’s Thermostat?

Programmable thermostats can reduce your energy expenditures by 10% or more by automatically adjusting the temperature while your house is vacant.

Upgrading your thermostat when purchasing an air conditioner or heater can ensure it runs efficiently with your new HVAC system. A new thermostat can ensure optimal performance from its operation.

When considering upgrading your HVAC system, remember to visit Anderson Air for valuable information on installing a smart thermostat that can complement your new air conditioner or heater for maximum efficiency.

1. Older thermostats

Over time, your thermostat’s effectiveness may wane with age. Most thermostats typically last ten years before becoming ineffective – if yours has reached this threshold or passed it entirely, it might be time for an upgrade – newer thermostats can heat and cool your home more effectively while saving on energy costs.

One sure sign that it’s time for a new thermostat is when it frequently makes mistakes.

A thermostat should accurately read room temperatures – frequent inaccuracies mean it is not functioning as intended. A dust buildup may be to blame; therefore, you must open up your thermostat and brush away any loose dust particles to restore the proper operation of your device.

If you’re upgrading your thermostat, take into account the advantages of opting for a smart model over an electromechanical one. Smart thermostats feature user-friendly touchscreen displays and an array of features – including adjustments for daylight savings time and multiple programmable settings.

2. Uncomfortable temperatures

Signs that it might be time for a replacement thermostat include any unintentional jumps in your energy bill that suggest your thermostat may be overworking to reach desired temperatures, leading to increases in heating or air conditioning usage and an unanticipated increase in electricity bills.

A professional HVAC technician should be able to assess this issue and suggest appropriate solutions, like replacement thermostats. Programmable thermostats can help ease these concerns by maintaining consistent temperatures throughout your home, eliminating hot and cold spots while saving even more on energy costs.

If your thermostat has a “dead zone,” or temperature range that does not trigger its system to start up, it might be using more energy than necessary to maintain your home’s climate. Upgrading to a smart thermostat with programmable features could help eliminate this problem and save on energy bills.

Many homeowners assume that they don’t need to upgrade their thermostats, but technology advances at an ever-increasing rate. Your old thermostat may no longer perform at its best.

3. Poor energy efficiency

An outdated or broken thermostat will cost you money even with an efficient heater or AC system – broken thermostats hinder their efficiency.

Investment in a heating and cooling system can save money in energy costs, but if your thermostat falls below par, its performance could diminish over time and you could experience less value from your system. That is why upgrading it is so essential.

Are you currently using a manual thermostat? Now is an opportune time to switch over to something programmable; these thermostats enable you to set temperature parameters at specific times during the day and automatically adjust them for energy savings and decreased utility bills.

Furthermore, many come equipped with advanced features that make them even more cost-efficient than manual models.

4. Increased utility bills

Whenever you’re purchasing a new furnace or air conditioner, upgrading the thermostat is also highly recommended in order to maximize energy efficiency and lower utility bills. By working together as one system, these two will work hand-in-hand to achieve maximum savings while simultaneously decreasing electricity bills.

Homeowners typically know when to upgrade their heating and cooling systems. Yet, only a few understand that thermostats are equally crucial in improving energy efficiency and cutting electric costs.

Your energy bills can quickly skyrocket as soon as your thermostat becomes outdated. Older thermostats are prone to issues like poor placement, dirt buildup and loose electrical connections, which cause them to operate less efficiently.

Smart thermostats offer solutions that solve these issues and save you money over time.

Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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