The most common types of essays are English essays. The category is quite vast and it includes writing essays on humanities, history, psychology and humanities. But, you must be very careful before attempting these essays. As every category has its own particular way to be attempted. For writing an English essay, which is structured and well planned following points should be kept in mind:
- Introduction: it is very important to give the essay a nice and a beautiful introduction. Half of the battle is won, if the essay has a nice introduction. The first two or three paragraphs comprises of the introduction to the essay. In the introduction, you can include points like the purpose of choosing the topic. A thesis should be given stating the ways of achieving your purpose. Thesis is a summary of the whole essay, so make it interesting to withhold the attention of the audience. The basic idea should be well established, and the paper should support the statement to make it sound logical.
- Main body: the topic should be well explained in the body. Various aspects relating your topic should be well explained in the essay. The body of the essay should support the introduction and thesis well. It should be in a flow and not seem to be out of structure. Concentrate on the main issues well, but simultaneously, don’t overlook other issues also. Overall, write an essay which is well written and too the point. Never, stuff unnecessary information, this leaves the reader disinterested.
- Conclusion: it is very important to conclude the essay beautifully. Try and conclude the essay with a strong comment or a question, which compels people to ticker their mind. The conclusion should summarize the whole essay. More of time and efforts should be devoted to writing of the conclusion.
- Editing: it is the most important part of writing a flawless essay. It is possible, that while writing in a flow, you have made several mistakes. Giving it a read, highlights your mistake and even tells you the areas which require special attention.
Check the spelling, sentence construction, punctuations and grammar correct to leave a good impact on the reader. Don’t hesitate to delete few lines, if you think they don’t gel well with the rest of the essay. Last but not the least, proof read your essay.
But, this is not enough. You need to be bit more careful with other things also. To make your essay sound interesting and impressive, try and incorporate the following things in your essay:
- Quotations
- Generalization
- Flash backs, to highlight the important events or an idea
- Teasers
- Rhetoric statements
- Jokes, if the topic allows
Writing an essay on a complex topic can be a fascinating activity for those who are serious about their work. In any case, if you need help, you can ask to write my essay. Writing a classification essay is quite interesting as well as tricky. You have to be dedicated and give your cent percent to have extremely good results.
For writing a classification essay, you have to carefully choose a topic. It would not be wrong to say, that half of the battle is won, if the topic chosen is good and relevant.
Here is a list of topics to choose from:
• Slippers of your family
• Gals and guys you would like to go out for a vacation
• Classification of genders
• Classification of your teachers
• Classification of your neighbors
• The way people carry their money
• Various ways to acquaint to a girl or a boy
• Cars in the parking lot of your school or your apartments
• Bathrooms of different countries
• What’s in and what’s out
• Amusing cab or bus drivers
• Types of books in you house
• Fashion sense of people in and around your surroundings
• Categorization of the shopping malls as per the tastes and demands of people
• List of cafes, bistros, pubs, and restaurants
• Classify the various winter or summer Olympic sports
• Christmas presents
• The look of your hair at different hours of the day
• Noticing people and their varied expression walking down the road
• Cards in a card shop
• Types of cups and plates which are handy
• Classification of ways to express the feelings
Here, is really a long list to choose from. No matter what topic you choose be very patient and careful with it. Devote considerable time in noticing people and thongs around you. Record the observations well and then when you have collected the sufficient material draw out the inferences.
Make sure that the data collected by you is authentic, as a fake data can lead to wrong inferences and put you in a fix. In a classification essay, you need to be creative and observant. The aim of such essays is to make the students more aware of their surroundings and to improve their power of observation. Also, it helps them to develop an analytical bend of mind. As in classification essay, it is important to link the things and then draw conclusions.
The aim of the essay should be stated in the introduction itself, to make things easy and to capture the interest of the reader. Also, record the observations to make the work look original and first hand. Conclude it beautifully and sum it up well in few lines.
But, if you feel this is too much for you to handle, don’t worry. There are many professional who will help you writing an essay at economical prices. But, make sure you select the person carefully, as it concerns your grades and career.