
A Guide to Class 7 Mathematics Olympiad Preparation

A Guide to Class 7 Mathematics Olympiad Preparation

For students entering class seven, mathematics is a subject that might scare them and a subject that they might not feel like studying. It is hard, lengthy, and introduces them to several difficult topics. To make studying mathematics an easy affair for these students coming from grade six to grade seven and experiencing a vast syllabus for the first time is to make them participate in friendly competitions like the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO). The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organized International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) is a unique way to let the student get their interest in the subject of mathematics back without making them study anything beyond their school syllabus. International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) follows the school curriculum but its different format of objective-type questions will encourage the students to expand their knowledge.

Getting their foundations of mathematics strong from early on, will help them have a larger variety of options available for future careers in fields like Architecture, Engineering, Finance, etc. Mathematics olympiad is, therefore, an opportunity that should not be missed if the students want to be inspired by some friendly competition.

Read more: Math practicing on maths watch

To help students with their preparation, here are some commonly asked questions answered that students need to be clarified before they can start their preparation for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO).

What is the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)?

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organizes every year different olympiads for different subjects including the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) for students of classes 1 to 12. The competition consists of some higher-order thinking skills questions that challenge the students and their knowledge. It aims to better the reasoning capacity of the students and hone their intellectual skills. The olympiad provides a platform to showcase the mathematical abilities of students from over the world who can compete in two levels one after the other.

What is the paper pattern for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)?

The International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) consists of two levels. Level One occurs in the respective schools of the students while Level Two occurs after the students clarify the first round. Some important details about level one are as follows:

  • The paper is in an objective type format divided into 4 sections namely the:
  1. Logical Reasoning
  2. Mathematical Reasoning
  3. Everyday Mathematics
  4. Achievers’ Section
  • There are a total of 50 questions that should be solved in a time limit of 60 minutes.
  • The question paper is set in the English language.
  • The syllabus followed while setting the question paper is an amalgamation of the CBSE< ICSE and the State Board.
  • The exam occurs on the school premises itself during school hours.
  • The International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) occurs in the months of November or December usually.

Students who manage to secure themselves a spot in the top 5% of the candidates from each class internationally will be chosen for the Level Two exam. The 25 top rankers of the district or the state zone will also be considered. The Level Two examination only occurs for students of classes three and above.

What is the syllabus for International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) for class 7?

The International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) follows the exact same syllabus as the annual school curriculum of the year for class 7. Apart fro the different formats and difficulty of the questions, no new topics are added or removed from the class 7 mathematics syllabus. Below is the list of the complete mathematics syllabus for class 7:

  • Integers
  • Exponents and Powers
  • Algebraic Expressions
  • Simple Linear Equations
  • Lines and Angles
  • Comparing Quantities
  • Fractions and Decimals
  • The Triangle and its Properties
  • Symmetry
  • Congruence of Triangles
  • Perimeter and Area, Data Handling
  • Rational Numbers
  • Visualizing Solid Shapes
  • Practical Geometry

The questions from these topics are asked in Sections 2 and 3 of the question paper which are Mathematical Reasoning and Mathematics in Everyday Life. Section 1 of the paper consists of Logical Reasoning related numericals which involve verbal and nonverbal reasoning and analytical skills. The Achievers Section or Section 4 of the paper have a higher order of thinking skills sums that carry 3 marks each.

The prime book to study for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) is the NCERT while students can also refer to other reference books to get a deeper understanding of the topics mentioned in the NCERT and to get enough practice questions. Students can refer to IMO Maths Olympiad Sample Question Paper 2 Class 7 to get an idea about the paper pattern for themselves.

What are the best strategies to ace the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)?

Clearing a competitive exam is a big task in itself. To do it with good scores and a plethora of knowledge to keep as a souvenir is an entirely different deal. One of the best strategies to cope with the exam stress and still be able to finish the exam syllabus on time is to learn and revise simultaneously as the classes progress. Class 7 has a much lengthy syllabus when compared to the previous academic class, class 6. So in order to keep up, students are advised to learn the concepts along with the teacher in the classroom itself, make their own personalized notes, and revise them that day itself. This makes the topic clearer, and if the student now has any doubt in it, they can get it clarified the very next day.

The second strategy will be to ‘Invade and Read’ which involves finding a question, reading it, and thinking of different methods in which this particular question can be solved. After a while, if the student isn’t able to come up with a concrete plan to reach the solution he may refer to the answer key and solve along with it. If the student is independently able to answer the question, then they move along toward the next question where the same method is repeated. This strategy helps you work on different methods of solving a problem at the same time and keeps the mind turning and active.

Written by Enaa Mari

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