Hygiene has been elevated to be one of the most significant elements in people’s lifestyle in the light of the pandemic. Washroom accessories have always played an important role in maintaining the hygiene standards of your home. Having stay safe accessories can ensure a clean and sanitized environment.
Stay Safe Accessories
The Covid-19 outbreak captured our attention towards the need for a hygienic environment. With the rising cases of Covid 19, people around are more cautious in terms of hygiene. There are a variety of products that can help you to maintain the sanitation levels of your surroundings.
Automatic Taps
According to research, taps are the second most bacteria-ridden spot in the washroom, because of the multiple contacts of unsanitized hands. With in-built sensors of Automatic Taps, there is no contact which eliminates the risk of germs. Apart from hygiene, there are numbers of benefits that are offered by Automatic taps :
- Low Maintenance: The automatic water tap doesn’t have a handle that needs to be swiveled. The sleek and simple design of the automatic water tap makes it convenient and requires low maintenance.
The water contact is also rare as compared to regular taps, so it is easier to keep them clean.
- Water conservation: The automatic water taps regulate the water that is dispersed as they have built-in sensors. Each time it is turned on, it releases a sufficient amount of water at a regular and consistent flow.
Moreover, sensor taps also offer the least levels of water consumption since they switch off automatically, like when you are using soap and foaming your hands. All this can cut save water wastage by up to 70%.
- Energy Efficient: The Automatic Taps disperse water at a uniformly maintained temperature year-round, which is comfortable irrespective of the climate.
This technology allows for increased energy-efficiency at home. While automated taps do use electricity or batteries to function, this is extremely minimal compared to the energy required to regulate the temperature of the water.
Hand Dryer Machines
Hand dryer Machines not only help you to maintain hygiene in the washroom but are also eco-friendly, as they evacuate the mess out of your washroom. Hand dryers also contribute to your personal hygiene as well as keeping your washroom spic and span.
Liquid Soap Dispenser
A liquid soap dispenser is one of the must-have washroom accessories as they’re almost the epitome of hygiene. Automatic liquid soap dispensers have inbuilt sensors, which detect any human movement, eliminating any contact of germs on it. Not only it helps to maintain hygiene but also diminishes wastage.
Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
With so much paranoia around, everyone has turned germaphobic; sanitizers have become a necessity in our lives. Hand sanitizer dispensers are the need of the hour, as hands are the major transmitters of germs from one surface to another. Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers are a reliable and proven ally against these contagious diseases as they help you maintain good hand hygiene. They have many advantages to offer like:
- Touch-free: They have an infrared sensor that releases the sanitiser when you put your hand under the nozzle. Hence you don’t need to touch the dispenser to use sanitiser, which is the key benefit that this device has to offer.
- Deliver a standard dose: The automatic hand sanitizer dispenser offers an accurate amount of sanitizer which is enough for you to clean both your hands.
- Easy to use: The automatic hand sanitizer dispensers are very convenient to use.
Hand sanitizer dispensers can step up your washroom hygiene game.
Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Automatic Toilet Seat
Due to multiple uses of a toilet seat, the seat is likely to be contaminated with germs, bacterias, and viruses. Toilet Seat cover dispenser ensures a clean and hygienic washroom experience for the users. It can hold up to 250 seat covers at one time. The toilet seat cover dispenser is also made from high-quality stainless steel which ensures durability and longer shelf life. It is a beneficial accessory as:
- No Touch: You never have to touch any germy surface.
- Made of plastic: The urine faeces and toilet water doesn’t seep through.
Automatic Toilet Seat
Automatic Toilet seat upgrades your washroom experience in terms of hygiene and cleanliness. The seat cover is a highly accessible washroom device that can be used by anyone with ease. It has a sensor and bottom mode, which allows the seat to lift while you use the washroom automatically. Hence reducing contact, which elevates hygiene in your lifestyle.
Fogger Disinfection Machine
Fogger disinfection machine is used to control microbial contamination and the fog generated from the machine penetrates deeply into every corner of the room. This product is very effective in disinfecting the surrounding area in less time and has no side effects caused to any individual. Fogger disinfection machine contains silver hydrogen peroxide disinfectant that helps to kill or prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms in different places. It literally cleans up every corner of your house.
Urinal Flush Sensor
A urinal flush sensor is an automated gadget that eradicates cross-contamination in the washroom. The surfaces of urinal handles are concentrated with germs, bacteria, and dangerous viruses that can spread from user to user if they are not sanitized regularly. The urinal flush sensor is the solution to this problem. Other than hygiene and sanitization, it has many advantages to offer like:
- Easy to use: This is very convenient to use, irrespective of the age group as it comes with the auto flush feature which doesn’t require the user to do anything to operate it.
- Prolonged life span: As it is touch-free, there are fewer mishandlings and lesser chances of any damage. This makes the urinal flush sensor last long.
- Water conservation: The urinal flush sensors are sensitive to movement and flush only when it is needed so they reduce wastage of water.
Urinal Flush sensor provides your washroom with a clean and hygienic environment.
Automatic Toilet Flusher
The Automatic Toilet flusher is one of its kind – a device that is very convenient to use. The device operates through sensors and automatically flushes away the waste. The automatic toilet flusher helps in maintaining maximum levels of hygiene and helps in curbing the spread of illnesses through bathroom spaces.
Pandemic has made us realize the significance of cleanliness and hygiene. You can integrate these washroom accessories to augment the level of hygiene in your washroom, bringing about some small changes to lead a safe and hygienic lifestyle.