
Best Food and Farming Apps in 2021

6 Benefits of Mobile Apps for Your Travel Business

Modern agriculture faces many challenges every day. To feed a growing population requires tackling land degradation, greenhouse gas emissions, overconsumption of water, and resource scarcity. Fortunately, current technologies offer many solutions to fix various agricultural problems.

Cloud technology, mobile devices and scouting apps are transforming the industry. You can find hundreds of farm apps that help every participant of agribusiness collect valuable data, monitor fields, manage crops, and develop innovative strategies taking advantage of all these opportunities.

Apps for Farming

A smartphone has become a constant companion of many farmers. At the same time, many applications were created to make their work more accessible and save time. You can buy and sell agricultural products, create scouting operations, monitor your crops, manage the farm, detect disease, and weed due to mobile applications. Check out our list of apps to see what they’re capable of.

Crop Monitoring

Crop Monitoring is a free mobile scouting application to an advanced agro-platform for field management. The app is designed for farm owners, agronomists, insurance consultants, advisers and other agribusiness participants.

The application helps to perform scouting tasks and generate detailed reports. Scouts are now able to attach photos of damaged plants with signs of diseases or problem areas and share them with the agronomist on the spot. Application maps can work both in online and offline modes. The user can apply one of several vegetation indices available in the app to detect problem areas in the fields fast and accurately. All the data collected by the scout is automatically saved in the account.

Use a hyperlocal 14-day weather forecast to plan your field activities and access historical weather data to identify climate patterns in your area of interest. Set up notifications to stay informed on high-level threats to your crops, including weeds and diseases.


AgVend has created an integrated Grower Portal, an information and business application for traders. You can use a personalized brand to strengthen connections with your customers by leveraging the power of a multi-channel farming experience.

The Grower Portal is powered by AgVend technology to provide digital connectivity for your customers and businesses. Manufacturers can request pricing information, pay bills, and view order history. The mobile application will be convenient for both customers and the sales department to receive information, which contributes to increased efficiency.


With the CommoditAg app, growers and farmers can research and order products. The app works on Android and iPhone so that you can place your order anytime, anywhere. It is a simple and convenient solution for those who want to purchase high-quality agricultural products at an affordable price. Through the app, you can order both food and plant chemicals. Door-to-door delivery guarantees a hassle-free delivery experience. This app is a great option to save money and time.


HedgeCommand is a grain marketing system developed by the Farmers Business Network. This application generates customized pricing recommendations using data science and economic analysis. The app combines cash sales, futures, and options.


Crop insurance is also available in HedgeCommand. Thus, you can get a complete picture of the expected returns and risks. Test different scenarios to see how the following fluctuations in the trade will affect profitability and losses. The HedgeCommand will give you advice on sales times, quantities to sell, and contract types. You will be notified as soon as there is a new recommendation.

Food Apps

These apps can help you on the way to healthy food. Use them to track calories, find out more information about the products you choose, and analyze your diet.


A healthy diet should help us regulate many processes in the body and improve our well-being. It is an undeniably important part of life, but adhering to a healthy menu is often hampered by a fast pace of life, a crazy schedule, and hunger. has created the MyPlate app to help you keep track of your food. You will be able to set individual nutritional goals, including macronutrients and micronutrients. A comprehensive dietary analysis of food is also available to users.


Whether you are looking for a healthier diet or simply want to know more about the foods you eat, Fooducate is the app for you. After all, not only calories are crucial, but also the quality of the food. In the app, you will find data on 300,000 supermarket products. It is pretty simple to use, scan the barcode with your smartphone and get a detailed analysis of the composition of the products. You will receive information on the content of sugar, trans fats, colors, GMOs, corn syrup, fructose, and more. Fooducate will also help you achieve your fitness goals with tracking. Just add your height and weight data to the app.


iTrackBites is an app that also lets you keep track of what you eat. However, instead of calories, you count points, which also helps you achieve your nutritional or weight loss goals. Points or BITES, as they are called in the app, are calculated values that take information about the food consumed. With these calculations, you can understand how the foods you eat affect the process of losing weight. If the BITES of the product are low, then you are on the right track.


Written by Frederick Jace

A passionate Blogger and a Full time Tech writer. SEO and Content Writer Expert since 2015.

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