Productivity is something which matters a lot in diamond drilling. Due to this reason, drillers and companies are always searching for new yet effective means to boost the productivity of their operations.
At times, enhancing productivity is easy, and you only require doing a few fixes and tweaks to achieve your desired objectives. But there are times when you need to strive hard to improve productivity. And you may need to adopt completely different methods and techniques to ensure this.
One of the vital things to note in this aspect is that your productivity is destined to improve if you continuously strive and correct your mistakes. There is absolutely no doubt about this.
Are you struggling to enhance your productivity and unsure about what you need to do to be successful in this endeavour? If your answer is yes, you have unquestionably come to the right place!
In this comprehensive guide, we will mainly focus on talking about the key strategies that you need to implement to improve your overall productivity in diamond drilling. Read the following section to get a clear idea of this:
Essential Tips To Follow For Enhancing Your Productivity In Diamond Drilling
Now, let’s have a look at some of the best tips that you need to follow if you are looking forward to boosting the productivity in diamond drilling procedure:
- Focus On Improving Your Rate Of Penetration Or ROP
You may have heard about ROP (Rate of Penetration) if you are from the diamond drilling sector. ROP plays a key role in diamond drilling as it helps you to accomplish the work on time.
If you wish to boost your productivity, you must first improve your ROP. Improving your ROP offers you rewards and credibility to accomplish your work effectively.
Note that there are many different factors which can impact ROP. So, your main goal should be to control those factors fully. Again, a good ROP suggests that the work is completed economically.
In this regard, you should have an in-depth understanding of the ground type, core bit, rock conditions, rock type and other drilling parameters.
By focusing on all these factors, you would be able to be successful in your objective of enhancing your ROP. So, your productivity is bound to increase automatically when you are concerned about improving ROP.
- Make Use Of Higher Crowns
While carrying out the diamond drilling project, you may need to change the core bit most often. It is primarily because the requirement can vary from one task to another. But changing the core bit every now and then can significantly impact your diamond drilling productivity.
Now, if your main focus is on boosting your productivity, then it is the time when you should invest in higher crowns. You do not have to take the hassles of frequently changing the core bit by utilising higher crowns.
And, the fewer times you need to change the core bit, the more time you get to invest in carrying out the drilling operation. Most crown configurations are available in 16mm, 20mm and 26mm. High crown levels are known to be best suited for deep drilling work.
- Utilise Additives
Additives and lubricants are known to play an important role in extending the life of your drilling equipment. So, it means that whenever you make use of additives, it not only helps in lowering the operational costs but it also helps in enhancing the performance.
Another advantage of using additives is that the wear and tear will be much less in this case. Not only that but additives and lubricants also help in the successful prevention of excessive corrosion and friction. Thus, additives are something you should never miss on using to boost your productivity and achieve the best outcomes.
- Always Go For The Right Drilling Equipment
You will need the right equipment to carry out the drilling work successfully. So, if you fail to choose the right equipment, it can impact your overall productivity. Not only that, but you will also fail to achieve the best results if you overlook the importance of selecting the right core bit for your drilling operation.
While you purchase the diamond drill, you need to consider many different factors. It includes abrasiveness, competency, variability, hardness of the ground, configuration, choice of the core barrel, drill rods, core lifter system, reaming shell, etc. Some other things that you should take into consideration are the experience and knowledge of the technician.
- Invest In The Best Quality Of Equipment
The quality and productivity of your drilling hugely rely on the quality of the equipment you are involved in utilising. If you use cheap equipment to carry out this operation, you will fail to achieve precise results.
On the other hand, if you choose to employ good quality equipment, the results you will achieve are undoubtedly exceptional. To ensure you do not compromise the quality, buy all the necessary drill system equipment like core barrels, drill rods, core lifters, reamers and bits from a reliable manufacturer.
It again saves your efforts and thereby significantly boosts your diamond drilling productivity. Also, it will help you to save a lot of money in the long term.
- Be Organised
Proper planning is crucial if you want to achieve something. The same applies to diamond drilling work as well. So, if you are well prepared and organised while carrying out the drilling operation, you can indeed manage to increase your productivity and make the drilling process successful.
- Maintain Regularly
You need to inspect all the equipment and regularly check each part. By doing so, you would be able to make sure that these are working correctly. And this, in turn, will aid in boosting productivity.
Final Thoughts
Finally, we would like to add that productivity, efficiency and performance are all associated. So, the performance and efficiency will automatically increase once you focus on improving your diamond drilling productivity.
Hopefully, following the tips mentioned above will considerably increase your productivity.
Have any further doubts or queries? If yes, contact CA Drillers today, a reputed diamond drilling London company.