JEE Main is the biggest and toughest engineering entrance examination in the country. This is a cut-throat high-level competition where students compete to secure their seats in one of the top colleges such as NITs, IIITs, CFTIs, and many renowned privately owned universities. Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main also acts as the preliminary stage for admission to IITs as after clearing it you have to appear for JEE Advanced.
For such a competitive exam like JEE Main, your preparation must be consistent and full-proof. Over lakhs of students compete every year to crack JEE Main and secure their seats in the above-mentioned reputed engineering institutes. To have an upper hand over other aspirants appearing in the exam, one must solve JEE Main previous years’ question papers. Solving previous year question papers will help students to strengthen their exam preparation and perform better than others in the exam. It is also one of the most common tips that have been provided by every JEE topper. If you are appearing for JEE Exam 2022 do have a look at the JEE Main 2021 Exam Paper February 24 Shift 1.
Why is solving the previous year’s JEE mains paper important?
- Previous year’s question papers help candidates understand the types of questions asked. You can refer to the above-given link to get an idea about the questions asked in the JEE Main 2021
- There are times when some questions are often repeated. If you are thorough with the past 15 to 20 years of papers the chances of solving them easily and scoring better in exams increases
- You must be aware of how to avoid negative marking in order to achieve high marks in JEE Main. Silly mistakes such as overlooking any question or the inability to read the questions properly often lead to losing precious marks. Solving previous year’s papers will allow students to know their strengths and weaknesses thereby preventing them from making mistakes
- Speed, Accuracy, and Time management are the three success mantras that every aspirant must follow. Previous year’s JEE main paper will help you have a stronghold over all three factors. You will know how to speed up with accuracy under time pressure
- Previous year’s papers allow the students to have a look at the actual JEE main question paper. The candidates will get a proper insight into designing the questions section-wise and get to know the most commonly asked topics covered under each section of every chapter
- Answering the questions must be done only when you are confident with the answers. In that case, solving the previous year’s question paper will help you a lot to determine the actual answers without much overthinking
- When you practice questions that are based on theories and concepts that you have already studied earlier, you will be able to test your own ability and focus on applying accurate formulas to solve the given problems. This will help you score better in your JEE exam
Going through the past year’s JEE papers is, of course, a brilliant idea but apart from it aspirants need to know about the other strategies too while preparing for this exam.
Here are some ways you can improve your JEE preparation for the year 2022
- Make small targets and abide by them to achieve big results. The JEE syllabus is undoubtedly very vast. The best way you can deal with it is by dividing it into smaller modules. Take one subject and choose one topic from it at a time. Complete it fully. Once you are satisfied with your preparation, move ahead.
- Your first focus area must be theories, concepts, and definitions. Only when you are confident with them and know their implications well practice problems based on them. This will help in understanding the concepts better. In case you are unable to solve a problem, revise the theory again and rework the problem until you get it clear.
- Do not skip any chapter or leave any topic uncovered. Questions in JEE can come from any topic present in the syllabus. Give importance to all three chapters and everything present in them.
- It is crucial to make short handy notes along with studies. Candidates can add important points or terms, any shortcut method, formulas, reactions, equations, any of their frequent mistakes in the study note in the form of bullet points and highlight them well. These notes will help students to make their revisions before the exam quick and easy.
- If you attend some kind of coaching for your JEE Main preparations. Try to be regular and punctual in attending them. Whatever is taught in the class, try to review them soon after the class ends. Do not keep things in the backlog. Be well prepared with the study material and all the stuff that has been provided to you by your coaching center.
- Do not miss out on the NCERTs both of Class 11 and Class 12 for preparation of all the three subjects. Once you are thorough with the basics only then jump to reference books or some other renowned book available for that particular subject.
- Time is of the main essence for any competitive exam. The same goes for JEE Mains. Make a good study schedule and segregate the entire syllabus. Set time targets within which your goal should be to complete them entirely. Do not just simply rush and miss out on things. Stress on self study the most and understand whatever you are learning.
- Get well aware of the pattern of section-wise questions that will be asked in the exam. Decide previously how much time you will spend answering each section, Know the allotment of marks and focus more on topics carrying high. Go for solving the easy problems first and then switch to difficult ones.
- Keeping yourself healthy and fit during your preparation months is pretty important as you will be studying rigorously. You will require energy to stay awake late at night or not to fall sick. Hence avoid oily or junk food and stress on a healthy diet which includes intake of lots of water. You can also have dark chocolate which is said to boost memory.
Apart from the above-listed points, focus on the mock test series and the previous year’s question. Success will be yours if you do all possible things to reach it.